OK, depending on how old this page is when you read it, I recently spent a quarter
studying abroad in London...from April 10, 1998 to June 12, 1998. When I got there
I knew absolutely nobody. On the plane over however (about 9/10 of the way to
London), this girl (Tiffany)stuck out her tongue and pfft'd me :) We hung out
together for the whole time, became extremely good friends, and picked up some
other guy named Daniel (who was also part of the group studying) along the way.
Needless to say, we were the center of alot of rumors :P Here are a few pictures
of us.
Daniel dancing at Tiff's 20th B-Day party
Daniel getting shocked
Daniel looking really weird
Justin (me!) getting shocked
Tiffany looking angelic as usual
Tiffany at her B-Day party
Tiffany doing her morning stretches
Tiffany during one of our many tours
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